Car Insurance Claims Disputes in Arkansas

Have you been in a motor vehicle accident in Arkansas and are struggling to get the compensation and solutions you need through your insurance company, or has your auto insurance claim been denied? Having a claim denied can cause a significant financial burden, and a personal injury lawyer in Arkansas may be able to help. It’s essential to work with a professional legal representative who has the experience to manage your case.

At The Hashem Law Firm, it is our priority to help you seek the justice that you deserve. Our team of personal injury lawyers in Arkansas will work hard to obtain the appropriate solution for any pain or suffering.

How to Dispute an Insurance Claim

If you’ve suffered injuries as a result of an accident, but are unable to get fair compensation through your insurance company, there are ways to dispute it. 

File a Complaint with Your Insurance Company 

One of the first steps to dispute an auto insurance claim is to request the insurance company to reconsider. Although this may not always result in a successful conclusion, you can also consider contacting your insurance company’s complaint officer.

Keep in mind, Arkansas’s Statute of Limitations for personal injury claims is three years. You have a maximum of three years to settle a claim or lawsuit from the accident date. 

Take Legal Action

If your insurance company fails to come to the desired solution, other options exist. Hiring a legal representative who has the experience and expertise of your case can be extremely beneficial.

An experienced personal injury lawyer in Arkansas can investigate the details of the accident, negotiate for fair insurance benefits, and prosecute on your behalf. The lawyer will also be able to handle all negotiations and communications with the involved parties.

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers in Arkansas 

If you or someone close to you has experienced injuries from a car accident and is unable to receive fair compensation from your insurance companies, The Hashem Law Firm has dedicated the past three decades to helping clients with personal injury claims.

We are here to help you get the justice you deserve. Get in touch with one of our professional personal injury lawyers in Arkansas about your case to explore your options and let us help you seek justice.